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Why That Actor Was Late (1908) [L'Acteur en retard] Star Film Company
Why that Actor was Late (1908)
904 El Difunto Actor 1908 Georges Méliès, L'Acteur en retard, Why That Actor Was Late CINE SILENTE
Hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou Le truc de potard (1908) Pharmaceutical Hallucinations (Méliès)
Le Conseil de pipelet (1908) Sideshow Wrestlers (Méliès)
A Tricky Painter's Fate (1908) Méliès
Anaïc ou Le Balafré (1908) Not Guilty (Méliès)
Salon de coiffure (1908) In the Barber Shop (Méliès)
Le Fakir de Singapoure (1908) The Indian Sorcerer (Méliès)
Le Génie du feu (1908) The Genii of Fire (Méliès)
Les Malheurs d'un photographe (1908) The Mischances of a Photographer (Méliès)
French Cops Learning English (1908) French Interpreter Policeman (Méliès)